Essential Information

  • Deadline: September 18, 2023
  • Page limit: 13 pages, not including references (but including all figures and tables)
  • Two additional non-reference pages can be purchased: CAD $210 per page (paid during registration)

Camera-Ready Paper Format: Template (download ZIP)

ACM TAPS Guidelines

Submit Camera-Ready

ACM is the leading publisher for MICRO 2023. All papers must be formatted according to the sample template. The template can be found here. Authors should follow the list of approved packages. Additional details for the authors can be found here. Camera ready submission is due on Monday, September 18. The page limit is 13 pages, without references. If you have an approved artifact, you can further add a two-page appendix). An artifact appendix is only allowed for papers with artifacts submitted and approved by the Artifact Evaluation Committee, and the appendix can describe only the artifact. In addition to 13 pages for the main content and two pages for the artifact, authors can buy two extra pages for USD $150 per page. The conference registration will collect the extra fee charges.

Contact authors should already have received an email from the ACM erights. Please make sure you respond to this email/ fill the erights form within 48 hours. After erights forms are filled, you will get an email from the ACM TAPS with further instructions. Please follow the guidelines on preparing your material from ACM TAPS .

For any questions about the camera-ready process, please email Esha Choukse, the MICRO 2023 publications chair.