Essential Information

  • Deadline: September 12, 2024
  • Page limit: 12 pages, not including references (but including all figures and tables)

Camera-Ready Paper Format: IEEE proceedings template (download ZIP)

Submit final papers to IEEE CPS

Submit Camera-Ready

IEEE is the leading publisher for MICRO 2024. All papers must be formatted according to the IEEE Template. Camera-ready submission is due on Thursday, September 12, 2024. The page limit is 12 pages, without references. If you have an approved artifact, you can further add a two-page appendix. An artifact appendix is only allowed for papers with artifacts submitted and approved by the Artifact Evaluation Committee, and the appendix can describe only the artifact. This years MICRO does not allow purchase of any extra pages.

The end of the paper should have its sections in the order (1) acknowledgments, (2) appendices, including the artifact appendix, if any; (3) references.


For any questions about the camera-ready process, please email Samira Mirbagher Ajorpaz, the MICRO 2024 publications chair.