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IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture®

News & Updates

MICRO Bylaws Updated

March 23, 2025

The MICRO Steering Committee has unanimously agreed to allow general chairs (and the rest of the organizing commitee) to submit papers to the conference they are organizing. The rationale for explicitly allowing general chair(s) to submit is that they do not participate in the paper selection process, nor are they involved in the program chair and program committee selection process.

Read the updated bylaws >

Call for Papers: MICRO 2025

February 9, 2025

Deadline: April 4, 2025 (abstract registration); April 11, 2025 (full paper deadline)

Submit your papers to MICRO 2025! The International Symposium on Microarchitecture® (MICRO) is the premier forum for the presentation and discussion of new ideas in microarchitecture, compilers, hardware/software interfaces, and design of advanced computing and communication systems. The goal of MICRO is to bring together researchers in the fields of microarchitecture, compilers, and systems for technical exchange. The MICRO community has enjoyed having close interaction between academic researchers and industrial designers. This year, MICRO will be held in Seoul, South Korea, from October 18–22, 2025.

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Website: https://www.microarch.org/tot/

The MICRO Test of Time (ToT) award recognizes the most influential papers published in prior sessions of the International Symposium on Microarchitecture, each of whom has had a significant impact in the field. For the year 2020, the selection committee (comprising of Onur Mutlu, Pradip Bose, Daniel Jimenez, Tor Aamodt, Sreenivas Subramoney, and Reetu Das) chose three award papers democratically based on rigorous two-round rankings and a final discussion meeting:

  • A Dynamic Multithreading Processor (MICRO 1998)
    Haitham Akkary, Michael A. Driscoll
  • Fetch Directed Instruction Prefetching (MICRO 1999)
    Glenn Reinman, Brad Calder, Todd M. Austin
  • A Permutation-Based Page Interleaving Scheme to Reduce Row-Buffer Conflicts and Exploit Data Locality (MICRO 2000)
    Zhao Zhang, Zhichun Zhu, Xiaodong Zhang

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Call for Nominations: MICRO 2020 Program (Co-)Chair

October 24, 2020

Deadline: November 6, 2020

Nominations are sought for individuals to serve as the MICRO 2021 Program (Co-)Chair. MICRO 2021 is scheduled for October 2021 in Athens, Greece. The criteria for selection include track record in research and development of MICRO techniques and systems as well as a history of active participation in MICRO. Diversity across various dimensions (race, gender, geography, institution, etc.) will also be considered in the selection process.

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Call for Nominations: MICRO Steering Committee

October 24, 2020

Deadline: October 31, 2020

Nominations are sought for dedicated individuals to serve on the MICRO Steering Committee (SC). Each year, 2 persons will be elected to 3-year terms to serve on the SC, which operates to guide and foster the success of the MICRO conference . Individuals will be selected based on their past contributions to MICRO as well as their dedication and commitment to the conference. Diversity across various dimensions (race, gender, geography, institution, etc.) will also be considered to ensure the SC is representative of the entire MICRO community.

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Call for Nominations: 2020 MICRO Test of Time Award

October 24, 2020

Deadline: November 1, 2020

Website: https://www.microarch.org/tot/cfn.html

The MICRO Test of Time (ToT) Award Committee is soliciting nominations for the seventh MICRO ToT Award. This award recognizes the most influential papers published in past MICRO conferences that have had significant impact in the field.

The award will recognize an influential MICRO paper whose influence is still felt 18-22 years after its initial publication. In other words, the award will be given to at most one paper that was published at MICRO conferences in any of the years N-22, N-21, N-20, N-19, or N-18. This year, N = 2020, so only papers published at MICRO conferences held in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, or 2002 are eligible. An eligible paper that has received at least 100 citations (according to Google Scholar) is automatically nominated, but explicit nominations of such papers are still encouraged.

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Call for Nominations: MICRO 2020 Program (Co-)Chair

October 18, 2019

Deadline: October 25, 2019

Nominations are sought for individuals to serve as the MICRO 2020 Program (Co-)Chair. MICRO 2020 is scheduled for October 2020 in Athens, Greece. The criteria for selection include track record in research and development of MICRO techniques and systems as well as a history of active participation in MICRO. Diversity across various dimensions (race, gender, geography, institution, etc.) will also be considered in the selection process.

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Call for Nominations: MICRO Steering Committee

October 18, 2019

Deadline: November 1, 2019

Nominations are sought for dedicated individuals to serve on the MICRO Steering Committee (SC). Each year, 2 persons will be elected to 3-year terms to serve on the SC, which operates to guide and foster the success of the MICRO conference . Individuals will be selected based on their past contributions to MICRO as well as their dedication and commitment to the conference. Diversity across various dimensions (race, gender, geography, institution, etc.) will also be considered to ensure the SC is representative of the entire MICRO community.

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MICRO 2019 Business Meeting

October 16, 2019

Related Documents: https://www.microarch.org/docs/micro2019-businessmtg.pdf

The annual business meeting was held at the MICRO 2019 conference in Columbus, Ohio on Monday, October 14, 2019. The slides from the meeting are available online.

Deadline: August 16, 2019

Website: https://www.microarch.org/tot/cfn.html

The MICRO Test of Time (ToT) Award Committee is soliciting nominations for the fifth MICRO ToT Award to be given at the International Symposium on Microarchitecture in October 2019, to be held in Columbus, Ohio. This award recognizes the most influential papers published in past MICRO conferences that have had significant impact in the field.

The award will recognize an influential MICRO paper whose influence is still felt 18-22 years after its initial publication. In other words, the award will be given to at most one paper that was published at MICRO conferences in any of the years N-22, N-21, N-20, N-19, or N-18. This year, N = 2019, so only papers published at MICRO conferences held in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, or 2001 are eligible. An eligible paper that has received at least 100 citations (according to Google Scholar) is automatically nominated, but explicit nominations of such papers are still encouraged.

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Website: https://www.microarch.org/tot/

The MICRO Test of Time (ToT) Award Committee is pleased to announce that three papers have been selected for the 2018 MICRO Test of Time award. The three winners, in no particular order, are:

  • DIVA: A Reliable Substrate for Deep Submicron Microarchitecture Design
    Todd M. Austin
  • Efficient Path Profiling
    Thomas Ball, James R. Larus
  • Assigning Confidence to Conditional Branch Predictors
    Erik Jacobsen, Eric Rotenberg, James E. Smith

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Call for Nominations: MICRO 2019 Program (Co-)Chair

October 21, 2018

Deadline: November 9, 2018

Nominations are sought for individuals to serve as the MICRO 2019 Program (Co-)Chair. MICRO 2019 is scheduled for October 2019 in Columbus, OH. The criteria for selection include track record in research and development of MICRO techniques and systems as well as a history of active participation in MICRO. Diversity across various dimensions (race, gender, geography, institution, etc.) will also be considered in the selection process.

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Call for Nominations: MICRO Steering Committee

October 21, 2018

Deadline: November 7, 2018

Nominations are sought for dedicated individuals to serve on the MICRO Steering Committee (SC). Each year, 2 persons will be elected to 3-year terms to serve on the SC, which operates to guide and foster the success of the MICRO conference . Individuals will be selected based on their past contributions to MICRO as well as their dedication and commitment to the conference. Diversity across various dimensions (race, gender, geography, institution, etc.) will also be considered to ensure the SC is representative of the entire MICRO community.

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Call for Proposals: Organizers for MICRO 2020

October 21, 2018

Deadline: November 9, 2018

The MICRO Steering Committee solicits proposals for MICRO 2020 organization teams (General + Local Arrangements Chairs). MICRO 2019 is planned for Columbus, Ohio. We will consider proposals both within the USA and international locations for 2020. Informal proposals should be submitted to [email protected] for feedback.

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Related Documents: https://www.microarch.org/docs/diversity-survey-2018.pdf

The MICRO SC, ACM SIGMICRO, and IEEE TCuARCH are pleased to announce that the report entitled "Analysis of MICRO Conference Diversity Survey Results" is now available online. The report is authored by Prof. Lizanne DeStefano of the Georgia Institute of Technology, an independent expert commissioned by ACM SIGMICRO and IEEE TCuARCH to conduct this analysis.

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TCuARCH October 2018 Update

October 5, 2018

Dear members of the TCuARCH Community,

It is with great pleasure that I send you the October 2018 TCuARCH community update. As you can see below, we have been making exciting progress in MICRO conference governing bylaws, MICRO-2017 Survey data, transparency, re-organizing MICRO Test-of-Time Award Committee, and MICRO-2018 organization.

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MICRO Bylaws Unanimously Approved, Available Online

September 30, 2018

Website: https://www.microarch.org/bylaws.html

The MICRO Steering Committee has developed a set of bylaws to officially codify the roles and responsibilities of the steering committee and annual chairs for the International Symposium on Microarchitecture. Version 1.1 of the bylaws were approved unanimously by the MICRO Steering Committee, and were unanimously endorsed by ACM SIGMICRO and IEEE TCuARCH.

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Deadline: July 31, 2018

Website: https://www.microarch.org/Micro-ToT-Award/cfn.html

The MICRO Test of Time (ToT) Award Committee is soliciting nominations for the fifth MICRO ToT Award to be given at the International Symposium on Microarchitecture in October 2018, to be held in Fukuoka, Japan. This award recognizes the most influential papers published in past MICRO conferences that have had significant impact in the field.

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TCuARCH May 2018 Update

May 12, 2018

Dear members of the TCuARCH Community,

It is with great pleasure that I send you the May 2018 TCuARCH community update. As you can see below, the new MICRO Steering Committee (SC) is making great progress in MICRO conference governing bylaws, analyzing MICRO-2017 Survey data, improving transparency, re-organizing MICRO Test-of-Time Award Committee, and MICRO-2018 organization.

We all agree that all conferences in the computer architecture community can do better in diversity and data transparency. I believe that the MICRO SC, SigMICRO, and TCuARCH are approaching this important challenge in a thoughtful way, carefully thinking through any unintended consequences of our moves. Looking at the progress reported below, I personally believe that MICRO will come out significantly better than its peer conferences in diversity and transparency.

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TCuARCH March 2018 Update

March 21, 2018

Dear members of the TCuARCH Community,

My term as your TCuARCH Chair started on February 1, 2018. During this coming year, I would like to provide you with regular updates on the state of TCuARCH. Here is the March 2018 update...

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MICRO Diversity Study - Your Feedback Requested

January 22, 2018

Dear all,

As part of the MICRO-50 business meeting, there was a session devoted to discussing diversity in MICRO and more broadly computer architecture conferences.

One of the decisions the SC co-chairs made (in consultation with many members of the MICRO community) was to get input and ideas from the broader community on how to broaden participation of women and underrepresented minorities at the MICRO conference in particular (and in computer architecture conferences in general).

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Follow-Up from the MICRO-50 Business Meeting

November 24, 2017

To all those who attended the MICRO business meeting diversity discussion and/or have followed it on this blog/twitter, we wanted to provide an update to the MICRO and broader computer architecture communities as to the next steps.

First off, we want to thank everyone who participated in the diversity discussion and expressed their thoughts. It was by far the largest crowd that has ever attended a MICRO business meeting! More importantly, the discussion was both productive and insightful. Not only did MICRO regulars speak up, but the discussion was joined by a good number of students, which made it all the more useful.

We take the discussion and need to take action very seriously. Here is a list of the initial steps that will be taken...

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